
The Supreme Court has issued a decision that may make it more difficult for employees to hold their employers responsible for harassment by mid- or low-level supervisors. On June 24th, the Supreme Court announced its ruling in Vance v. Ball State … Read more…
Our recent blog post discussed the Vance v. Ball State University case, which the Supreme Court is currently deciding under federal anti-discrimination law. Here in New York City, where we practice, the local anti-discrimination law views these cases very differently. … Read more…
Depending on the terms of your health insurance plan, you may be obligated to apply for and receive Medicare now. Most likely, you won’t lose your employer-sponsored insurance even after you start receiving Medicare, but that insurance may become secondary … Read more…
Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard argument in the case of Vance v. Ball State University, which involves racial harassment claims made by a kitchen worker at a state college in Indiana. Maetta Vance, the only African-American worker in the kitchen, … Read more…
If you have a Twitter, think before you tweet! Don’t tweet about anything having to do with your workplace. Period. Don’t tweet on company time. And before you tweet anything, think about how it would look to your boss, or … Read more…
Many employees rely on their employers to provide them with life and disability insurance. While these are nice benefits, it is risky to rely on your employment to provide them, because once you lose your job, you will likely lose the coverage. If … Read more…
Most employees rely on their employers to provide health insurance. The problem is that when the job ends, so does the insurance. Under a federal law called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), employees are entitled to continue their … Read more…
If you have disability insurance through your employer, you must check that policy immediately. Many provide that if the disability developed while you were still employed and you apply for benefits right away, you may still be covered. The window … Read more…
If you are so disabled that you cannot work, then you should look into a FMLA leave (see the previous entry) and find out if your employer offers any other short-term or long-term disability leave. In addition, you should check … Read more…
What Protections Do I Have if I Need to Take Sick Leave or Care for a Family Member? The Family Medical Leave Act, often referred to as FMLA, is a federal law that applies to employers of 50 or more … Read more…