
In our last post, we briefly overviewed the employment-related bills that make up the recently enacted New York Women’s Equality Act. In these next couple of posts we will expand upon some of those components. First up is the strengthening … Read more…
Today, Governor Cuomo signed into the law the Women’s Equality Act, which includes several provisions that significantly expand the employment rights of women. The Act takes effect in 90 days and Strengthens New York State’s Equal Pay law by outlawing … Read more…
The New York Times reported today that out of 3000 building superintendents in New York City, only a couple dozen are female. While some of the explanations offered appeared on the surface to be socially-driven, such as self-selection and … Read more…
Everybody gets nervous when the time for their annual (or semi-annual) performance review approaches. You can reduce your anxiety and turn the review into a positive experience by preparing in advance. Here are some tips to help the process go … Read more…
Today First Lt. Shaye Haver and Capt. Kristen Griest became the first two women to graduate from the Army’s Ranger School, having completed a grueling nine-week training program along with 94 men. Their extraordinary determination and grit helped them burst … Read more…
Virtually all severance agreements contain confidentiality clauses that prohibit the employee from disclosing the terms of the agreement – and sometimes even its existence – beyond a limited list of people. A recent case shows the hazards for employees who … Read more…
The New York Women’s Equality Coalition has produced a funny, pointed video in which a hapless game show contestant discovers that women in New York have less legal protection than she imagined. The video was produced to support the … Read more…
There has been lots of media attention lately given to bullying at work and the problem appears to be widespread and growing. According to a 2010 WBI-Zogby poll, 35% of employees reported being the victims of workplace bullying. The Workplace … Read more…
As we anticipated in our prior post, former Mayor Bloomberg did sign the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which went into effect on January 30, 2014. Under the new law, employers with four or more employees will be required to provide … Read more…
Imagine that you have just become pregnant and your doctor tells you that you should not lift anything heavier than ten pounds. You work in a freight department lifting things all day long. You excitedly tell your boss about the … Read more…